The copy of the entire Karadzic's website under the name of Dr Dragan Dabic
This is the copy of the entire Karadzic's website under the name of Dr Dragan Dabic before the site was taken down: In case anyone won...
This is the copy of the entire Karadzic's website under the name of Dr Dragan Dabic before the site was taken down: In case anyone won...
In 1992 Ed Vulliamy revealed the existance of the Bosnian concentration camps. The image of Fikret Alic showed for the first time how Bosnians were brutalized i...
Video: Bosnians celebrate on the streets of Sarajevo after arrest of war criminal Radovan Karadic Here Radovan Karadzic was born in Montenegro. He is a citizen ...
Finally … Mr Evil captured. Radovan Karadzic, the village man. Radovan Karadzic was hiding in the mountains and villages of Bosnia and for years lived in ...
Sarajevans love fashion and want always to look good whether they go out for shopping or dinner. When you walk through the main street Ferhadija you have a feel...
To: Pres. George Bush, V.P. Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Congressman Tom Lantos, Senators: Joseph Lieberman (IN-CT) , John McCain(R-AZ), Jos...
Sarajevo during the winter, photo by unknown. Sarajevo – Bascarsija Video : "Bosnian King" – Dr...
Photo: Sarajevo, Market Massacre (Markale) People killed at the Markale Market, in Sarajevo, were waiting in the line to get bread when Serbs launched shelling ...
Bosnia & Herzegovina or short Bosnia is the country of Bosnianherzegovinian or short Bosnian Nation and Bosnian People. Bosnia is multiethnic and multirelig...
This is a city. In every sense of the word. And at whatever time of the day, and from whatever elevation you look down at Sarajevo, you always, even...